This content is being reviewed in light of recent changes to federal guidance.

Service Learning + Social Awareness Courses

The Certificate in Service Learning requires two classes: one designated as "Service Learning" and another designated as "Social Awareness."

Below, you will find a current list of courses that count for each of those requirements. 

These lists are consistently updated; however, if you think a course should be added, please complete our course petition form.

NOTE: Some approved courses offer optional service activities or multiple projects that serve non-profit organizations. In order for your service to be approved for certificate, you must have participated in the service learning component of the course and service must be in non-profit sector.

Service Learning Classes by Academic Calendar Year:

Fall 2021

Spring 2022

Summer 2022


If you're looking for a course taken earlier than Fall 2021, please email for assistance!


Fall 2021

Spring 2022

Summer 2022


If you're looking for a course taken earlier than Fall 2021, please email for assistance!


Social Awareness Classes:


Course Number

Course NameCollege/School
AAAS 104Introduction to African-American StudiesLiberal Arts + Sciences
AAAS 106The Black Experience in the AmericasLiberal Arts + Sciences
AAAS 316Ministers and Magicians: Black Religions from Slavery to the PresentLiberal Arts + Sciences
AAAS 340Women in Contemporary African LiteratureLiberal Arts + Sciences
AAAS 351Africa's Human GeographiesLiberal Arts + Sciences
AAAS 356African-American Theatre and DramaLiberal Arts + Sciences
AAAS 420Intercultural CommunicationLiberal Arts + Sciences
AAAS 553Geography of African DevelopmentLiberal Arts + Sciences
AAAS 662Gender and Politics in AfricaLiberal Arts + Sciences
ABSC 150Community LeadershipLiberal Arts + Sciences
ABSC 151Community Leadership (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
ABSC 310Building Healthy CommunitiesLiberal Arts + Sciences
ABSC 311Building Healthy Communities (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
AMS 100Introduction to American StudiesLiberal Arts + Sciences
AMS 101Introduction to American Studies (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
AMS 110American IdentitiesLiberal Arts + Sciences
AMS 112American Identities (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
AMS 171Religion in American SocietyLiberal Arts + Sciences
AMS 177First Year Seminar in American StudiesLiberal Arts + Sciences
AMS 260Introduction to Latinx/Chicanx StudiesLiberal Arts + Sciences
AMS 290Religion in American SocietyLiberal Arts + Sciences
AMS 316Ministers and Magicians: Black Religions from Slavery to the PresentLiberal Arts + Sciences
AMS 330American SocietyLiberal Arts + Sciences
AMS 510History of American Women--Colonial Times to 1870Liberal Arts + Sciences
AMS 511History of American Women--1870 to PresentLiberal Arts + Sciences
ANTH 108Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyLiberal Arts + Sciences
ANTH 160Varieties of Human ExperienceLiberal Arts + Sciences
ANTH 162Varieties of Human Experience (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
ANTH 320Language in Culture and SocietyLiberal Arts + Sciences
ANTH 321Language in Culture and Society (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
ANTH 340Human Variation and EvolutionLiberal Arts + Sciences
ANTH 360Varieties of Human ExperienceLiberal Arts + Sciences
ANTH 562MexamericaLiberal Arts + Sciences
C&T 235 Education + Human Sciences
COMS 355Introduction to Rhetoric and Social InfluenceLiberal Arts + Sciences
COMS 440Communication and GenderLiberal Arts + Sciences
COMS 447Intercultural CommunicationLiberal Arts + Sciences
COMS 552The Rhetoric of Women's RightsLiberal Arts + Sciences
EALC 142Ethics in Chinese PhilosophyLiberal Arts + Sciences
ECON 315Income Distribution and InequalityLiberal Arts + Sciences
ELPS 250Education and SocietyEducation + Human Sciences
ENGL 306Global Environmental LiteratureLiberal Arts + Sciences
ENGL 337Introduction to U.S. Latino/a LiteratureLiberal Arts + Sciences
ENGL 338Introduction to African-American LiteratureLiberal Arts + Sciences
ENGL 340Topics in U.S. Ethnic LiteratureLiberal Arts + Sciences
ENGL 341American Literature of Social JusticeLiberal Arts + Sciences
ENGL 574African American LiteratureLiberal Arts + Sciences
EVRN 306Global Environmental LiteratureLiberal Arts + Sciences
EVRN 336Ethics, Ideas, and NatureLiberal Arts + Sciences
FMS 314History of African-American Images in FilmLiberal Arts + Sciences
FMS 316Latin American CinemaLiberal Arts + Sciences
FMS 410US Diversity in Visual CultureLiberal Arts + Sciences
GEOG 351Africa's Human GeographiesLiberal Arts + Sciences
GEOG 553Geography of African DevelopmentLiberal Arts + Sciences
GIST 306Global Environmental LiteratureLiberal Arts + Sciences
HIST 109The Black Experience in the AmericasLiberal Arts + Sciences
HIST 316Ministers and Magicians: Black Religions from Slavery to the PresentLiberal Arts + Sciences
HIST 319History, Women, and Diversity in the U.S.Liberal Arts + Sciences
HIST 336Ethics, Ideas, and NatureLiberal Arts + Sciences
HIST 352American Indians Since 1865Liberal Arts + Sciences
HIST 353Indigenous Peoples of North AmericaLiberal Arts + Sciences
HIST 383United States in the 1960sLiberal Arts + Sciences
HIST 530History of American Women--Colonial Times to 1870Liberal Arts + Sciences
HIST 531History of American Women--1870 to PresentLiberal Arts + Sciences
HSES 373Clinical Exercise PhysiologyEducation + Human Sciences
HUM 350American Indians Since 1865Liberal Arts + Sciences
ISP 350American Indians Since 1865Liberal Arts + Sciences
JMC 534Diversity in MediaLiberal Arts + Sciences
JWSH 336Jewish American Literature and CultureLiberal Arts + Sciences
LAC 562MexamericaLiberal Arts + Sciences
LING 320Language in Culture and SocietyLiberal Arts + Sciences
LING 321Language in Culture and Society (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
LING 447North American Indian LanguagesLiberal Arts + Sciences
PHIL 381Feminism and PhilosophyLiberal Arts + Sciences
POLS 312Latinx Politics in the U.S.Liberal Arts + Sciences
POLS 390Introduction to Public AdministrationLiberal Arts + Sciences
POLS 391Introduction to Public Administration (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
POLS 400Contemporary Feminist Political TheoryLiberal Arts + Sciences
POLS 517Policing the WombLiberal Arts + Sciences
POLS 630Politics of IdentityLiberal Arts + Sciences
POLS 662Gender and Politics in AfricaLiberal Arts + Sciences
PSYC 350Psychological DisordersLiberal Arts + Sciences
PSYC 351Psychological Disorders (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
PSYC 360Social PsychologyLiberal Arts + Sciences
PSYC 361Social Psychology (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
PUAD 305Introduction to Project ManagementLiberal Arts + Sciences
PUAD 330Introduction to Public AdministrationLiberal Arts + Sciences
PUAD 331Introduction to Public Administration (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
PUAD 333Hard Choices in Public AdministrationLiberal Arts + Sciences
PUAD 401Administration of JusticeLiberal Arts + Sciences
PUAD 402 Liberal Arts + Sciences
PUAD 403Foundations of the Nonprofit SectorLiberal Arts + Sciences
PUAD 408Collaboration in Public AdministrationLiberal Arts + Sciences
PUAD 432Conducting the People's Business EthicallyLiberal Arts + Sciences
PUAD 494Topics in Public AdministrationLiberal Arts + Sciences
REL 171Religion in American SocietyLiberal Arts + Sciences
REL 330Native American ReligionsLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 104Elements of SociologyLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 105Elements of Sociology (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 150Self and SocietyLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 160Social Problems and American ValuesLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 161Social Problems and American Values (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 220Sociology of FamiliesLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 304Principles of SociologyLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 306Principles of Social ProblemsLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 308Principles of Family SociologyLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 321Wealth, Power, and InequalityLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 330American SocietyLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 335American Society (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 342Sociology of ImmigrationLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 343American Racial and Ethnic RelationsLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 405Sociology or Aging and LifeLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 450Gender and SocietyLiberal Arts + Sciences
SOC 436Ethnicity in the United StatesLiberal Arts + Sciences
SPED 635Introduction to Teaching Learners with Low-Incidence Disabilities in Inclusive SettingsEducation + Human Sciences
SW 220Introduction to Social Work/WelfareSocial Welfare
SW 555Diversity, Equity, and inclusion in Social WelfareSocial Welfare
THR 327African-American Theatre and DramaArts (Part of CLAS)
UBPL 200Sustainability and SocietyLiberal Arts + Sciences
UBPL 201Sustainability and Society (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
UBPL 300Planning the Sustainable CityLiberal Arts + Sciences
UBPL 410Housing Policy and PlanningLiberal Arts + Sciences
UBPL 420Sustainable Land Use PolicyLiberal Arts + Sciences
UBPL 425Environmental Planning TechniquesLiberal Arts + Sciences
UBPL 450Transportation Policy and PlanningLiberal Arts + Sciences
UNIV 492Special Projects in the CommunityLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 101Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality StudiesLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 102Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (Honors)Liberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 319History, Women, and Diversity in the U.S.Liberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 327Perspectives in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender StudiesLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 331Sex and Gender in New MediaLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 333Politics of Physical AppearanceLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 351When We Lead: Minorities and the Legislative ProcessLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 381Feminism and PhilosophyLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 440Communication and GenderLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 510History of American Women--Colonial Times to 1870Liberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 511History of American Women--1870 to PresentLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 552The Rhetoric of Women's RightsLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 562Gender and PoliticsLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 563Gender, Sexuality, and the LawLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 600Feminist Contemporary Political TheoryLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 630Politics of IdentityLiberal Arts + Sciences
WGSS 662Gender and Politics in AfricaLiberal Arts + Sciences

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