This content is being reviewed in light of recent changes to federal guidance.

Spring 2023 Service Learning Courses

This list is an archive of Service Learning courses offered during the spring of 2023 as reported to the Center for Service Learning. Since that time, course names and numbers may have changed. 

With questions about a particular course, please email

Eligible Service Learning Courses by College/School

ARCH 509: Architectural Design IV

Nils Gore, Chad Kraus

ARCH 609: Integrated Design

Nikou Vakil

VISC 402: Designer as Author

Patrick Dooley

VISC 414: Publication and Editorial

Patrick Dooley

ENTR 490: Entreprenuership in Practice

Charlotte Tritch

Must Complete 20 Hours of Unpaid Service with Community Partner

Curriculum + Teaching
C+T 235: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in K-12 Education

Cheryl Wright

C+T 347: Social Studies in Elementary Classrooms

Any Instructor

C+T 349: Science in Elementary Classrooms

Any Instructor

C+T 351: Mathematics in Elementary Classrooms

Any Instructor

C+T 354/355: Literary Instruction for Intermediate Grades

Kwangok Song

C+T 366/460: Project-Based instruction of Math + Science

Laurie Cleavinger

C+T 533: Curriculum + Instruction in Middle + Secondary English/Language Arts Classrooms

Heidi Hallman

Must Complete 20 Hours of Service

C+T 823: Intercultural Competence for TESOL Educators

Hyesun Cho


Health, Sport, + Exercise Science
HSES 465: Program Assessment + Evaluation

Susan Harvey


Special Education
SPED 439: Student Teaching in Unified Early Childhood Education

Stephanie Parks

Oops! No classes in this school right now. 

JOUR 640: Strategic Campaigns

David Johnston, Lisa Leowen, Janet Rose

Applied Behavioral Science
ABSC 150/151: Community Leadership (Winter Course)

Any Instructor

ABSC 310/311: Building Healthy Communities

Any Instructor

ABSC 499: Directed Research

Pam Neidert

Must Complete 20 Hours of Service, Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours

ABSC 606: Special Projects in the Community

Jomella Watson-Thompson

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours

ABSC 675: Practicum in Infant-Toddler Care + Early Intervention I

Kelley Harrison

ABSC 676: Practicum in Infant-Toddler Care + Early Intervention II

Kelley Harrison

ABSE 677: Practicum in Preschool Education + Intervention I 

Kelley Harrison

ABSC 678: Practicum in Preschool Education + Intervention II

Kelley Harrison

ABSC 679: Practicum for Research in Early Childhood Education + Intervention

Claudia Dozier, Pam Neidert

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours


ABSC 680: Practicum in Advanced Laboratory in the Development of Behavioral Treatments for Children with Autism

Kelley Harrison

ABSC 682: Organizational Behavior Management Practicum

Florence DeGennaro Reed

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours

ABSC 690/691: Practicum in Community Health + Development

Any Instructor

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours


BTEC 540/640: Biotechnology Capstone

Randy Logan

Communication Studies
COMS 342: Problem Solving in Teams and Groups

Cameron Piercy

ENGL 360: Topics in Writing: Writing and Ecology

Megan Kaminski

ENGL 497: Service Learning Internship

Mary Klayder

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours

ENGL 552: Poetry Writing II

Megan Kaminski

Environmental Studies
EVRN 148: Scientific Principles of Environmental Studies

Kathleen  Dahl-Nuckolls

EVRN 338: Permaculture Design

Amber Lehrmann

EVRN 460: Field Ecology

Mark Jakubauskas

EVRN 615: Environmental Studies - Capstone Project

Kelly Kindscher


Jewish Studies
JWSH 650: Service Learning in Jewish Studies

Renee Perlmutter


PSYC 483: Undergraduate Internship in Psychology

Nancy Hamilton

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours, Must be Concurrently Enrolled in PSYC 333

PSYC 492: Psychology and Social Issues

Ludwin Molina

Speech Pathology, Language, + Hearing
SPLH 568: Introduction to Audiologic Assessment + Rehabilitation

Krysta Green

SPLH 571: Introduction to Speech-Language Pathology

Julie Gatts


SCUL 662: Art and Ecology: Ecosphere

Mara Scrupe

MEMT 396: Clinical Practicum

Cynthia Colwell Dunn

MEMT 498: Student Teaching

Martin Bergee

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours

MEMT 499: Internship in Teaching Music

Marting Bergee

Internship Must Have Occurred at KU, in a Public School, or Nonprofit Agency

SW 220: Social Welfare and U.S Society

Alice Lawrence

SW 601: Field Practicum

Jennie Marsh

UNIV 492: Special Projects in the Community (Winter Course)

Kate Kemper

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