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Community Service Capacity Awards

Community Service Capacity Awards are available to KU students through the CSL to address barriers and challenges to service participation and engagement with and in communities. Students who may experience barriers (e.g., transportation, childcare) or hardships (e.g., finances to purchase service project materials, missed days of work for service) in supporting community engagement and service activities may apply for a Community Service Support Award through the Center for Service Learning.

The CSCA is a need-based service award that may support an award of $300 or less based on the amount requested to address the level of need presented in the application. Accepting an award may impact any existing financial aid package. Before accepting this award, students are responsible for contacting the Office of Student Financial Aid to determine how it may affect your total financial aid award package.

Recipients of these Capacity Awards will be asked to present about their service experience as part of the CSL's Service Showcase in the spring.**

For additional information, please contact the Center for Service Learning. 

Awards are reviewed and processed on a semesterly basis. The general timeline is as follows:


Priority Application Time Range: Start of Class - Mid-October

Application Review and Acceptance: Mid-October - Mid-November

Expect Disbursement: By End of Finals Week


Priority Application Time Range: Start of Class - Mid-March

Application Review and Acceptance: Mid-March - Mid-April

Expect Disbursement: By End of Finals Week


Priority Application Time Range: Mid-May - Mid-June

Application Review and Acceptance: Mid-June - Mid-July

Expect Disbursement: Start of Fall Semester

Successful award recipients can expect for the Community Service Capacity Award to be deposited into their KU student account. Unless the student has a balance for tuition, fees, etc. on their student account, those funds will then be remitted to the student's bank account. If a student does have a balance, this funding will automatically be put toward paying down that balance.

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