This content is being reviewed in light of recent changes to federal guidance.

Spring 2025 Service Learning Courses

This list is in-progress, and courses will continually be added throughout the semester.

With questions about a particular course, please email


Course Number

Course NameInstructorCollege/SchoolNotes
AAAS 662Gender and African PoliticsHannah BrittonLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Complete Optional Service Learning Component
ABSC 310Building Health CommunitiesAny InstructorLiberal Arts + Sciences 
ABSC 311Building Health Communities (Honors)Any InstructorLiberal Arts + Sciences 
ABSC 499Directed Research In:Pamela NeidertLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Complete Optional Service Learning Component
ABSC 606Special Projects in the CommunityJomella Watson-ThompsonLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Be Taken for at Least 3 Credit Hours
ABSC 675Practicum in Infant-Toddler Care and Early Intervention IAny InstructorLiberal Arts + Sciences 
ABSC 676Practicum in Infant-Toddler Care and Early Intervention IIAny InstructorLiberal Arts + Sciences 
ABSC 677Practicum in Preschool Education and Intervention IAny InstructorLiberal Arts + Sciences 
ABSC 678Practicum in Preschool Education and Intervention II Any InstructorLiberal Arts + Sciences 
ABSC 679Practicum for Research in Early Childhood Education and InterventionAny InstructorLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Be Taken for at Least 3 Credit Hours
ABSC 680Practicum in Advanced Laboratory in the Development of BehaviorAny InstructorLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Be Taken for at Least 3 Credit Hours
ABSC 690Practicum in Community Health and DevelopmentAny InstructorLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Be Taken for at Least 3 Credit Hours
ABSC 691Practicum in Community Health and Development, HonorsAny InstructorLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Be Taken for at Least 3 Credit Hours
AESP 160Applied English Center Special Topics: Connecting to Your CommunityAny InstructorApplied English CenterSpecial Topic Must Be "Connecting to Your Community"
ARCH 509Architectural Design IVChad Kraus, Nils Gore, Kurt HongArchitecture + Design 
C&T 235 Cheryl WrightEducation + Human SciencesMust Complete Optional Service Learning Component
C&T 347Social Studies Elementary ClassroomAny InstructorEducation + Human Sciences 
C&T 349Science Elementary Classroom Any InstructorEducation + Human Sciences 
C&T 351Mathematics Elementary ClassroomAny InstructorEducation + Human Sciences 
C&T 352/353Literacy InstructionAny InstructorEducation + Human Sciences 
C&T 354/355Literacy Instruction in Intermediate GradesAny InstructorEducation + Human Sciences 
C&T 366/460Project-Based Instruction of Match and ScienceAny InstructorEducation + Human Sciences 
COMS 342Problem-Solving in Teams and GroupsAny InstructorLiberal Arts + Sciences 
COMS 440Communication and GenderAdrianne KunkelLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Complete Optional Service Learning Component
ENGL 497Service Learning InternshipAny InstructorLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Be Taken for at Least 3 Credit Hours
ENTR 490Entrepreneurship - Solving Wicked ProblemsCharlotte TritchBusiness 
EVRN 338Permaculture DesignAmber Wray ThumannLiberal Arts + Sciences 
EVRN 420Tallgrass Prairie RestorationPeggy Ann SchultzLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Be Taken for at Least 3 Credit Hours
EVRN 615Environmental Studies- Capstone ProjectAny InstructorLiberal Arts + Sciences 
HSES 465Program Assessment + EvaluationSusan HarveyEducation + Human Sciences 
JWSH 650Service LearningRenee PerlmutterLiberal Arts + Sciences 
ME 208Introduction to Digital Computing MethodsSara WilsonEngineering 
MEMT 396Clinical PracticumAny InstructorMusicMust Be Taken for at Least 3 Credit Hours
MEMT 498Student TeachingAny InstructorMusic 
MEMT 499Internship in Teaching MusicAny InstructorMusicInternship must have occurred at KU, in a public school, or nonprofit agency
POLS 662Gender and African PoliticsHannah BrittonLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Complete Optional Service Learning Component
PSYC 492Psychology and Social IssuesLudwin MolinaLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Complete Optional Service Learning Component
SPAA 691Internship in Public ServiceAny InstructorPublic Affairs + Administration (Part of CLAS)Must Be Taken for at Least 3 Credit Hours
SPED 439Student TeachingAny InstructorEducation + Human Sciences 
SPED 450Dis/ability in an American Context Any InstructorEducation + Human Sciences 
SPED 665/667Inclusive Strat. & Intervention Preschoolers;  Field Experience in PreschoolAny InstructorEducation + Human Sciences 
SPLH 568Introduction to Audiologic Assessment & RehabilitationKrysta GreenLiberal Arts + Sciences 
SPLH 571Introduction to Speech-Language PathologyCourtney SummersLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Complete Optional Service Learning Component
SPLH 672Clinical Practice in Speech-Language PathologyAny InstructorLiberal Arts + Sciences 
SW 220Social Welfare in U.S. SocietyAny InstructorSocial Welfare 
SW 601Field PracticumAny InstructorSocial Welfare 
UNIV 492Special Projects in the CommunityAny InstructorUndergraduate Education 
VAE 395Community Collaborations in Art EducationLiz LangdonArts (Part of CLAS) 
WGSS 440Communication and GenderAdrianne KunkelLiberal Arts + SciencesMust Complete Optional Service Learning Component
WGSS 662Gender and African PoliticsHannah BrittonLiberal Arts + ScienceMust Complete Optional Service Learning Component

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