This content is being reviewed in light of recent changes to federal guidance.

Strategic Priorities for 2024-2029

The Center for Service Learning's 2024-2029 Strategic Plan will provide long-term guidance and clarity for team members to consult as they coordinate annual programming, orchestrate intentional collaboration with community and campus partners, and determine opportunities for growth. The CSL is invested in prioritizing experiences that directly impact student growth, and responsibly managing funds to sustain organizational and institutional growth. We are committed to revisiting the goals, progress indicators, and overall vision at regular periods (once per semester) to reflect, adapt, and realign as needed.  

Student Support

“graduating civically aware and engaged students”

Priority Areas:

2024-2025 Strategy Story

  • Starting Fall 2024, CSL staff is available for students to schedule meetings with through Jayhawk GPS. We are also sending out automations to students who indicate interest in our offerings in the Jayhawk GPS intake survey.


“curating an impactful identity based in commitment and action” 

Priority Areas:

  • Reach and engage students across all colleges/schools, majors, etc. 
  • Promote adoption of service learning in course across all undergraduate-serving colleges/schools
  • Development and maintenance of mutually-beneficial partnerships on and off-campus
  • Representation of KU via conference participation and publication

2024-2025 Strategy Stories

  • The CSL has begun to utilize EmmaHQ, KU's preferred system for email newsletter communication.

  • The CSL will be participating in tabling activities within different academic buildings to reach students across campus.


“creating and maintaining a community of experts passionate about service learning”

Priority Areas:

  • Partnership and participation with campus units, departments, and working groups
  • Partnership and participation with local and national partners (United Way of Kaw Valley, Campus Compact, AmeriCorps, etc.)
  • Partnership and engagement with KU staff and faculty across the institution (Ambassador Programs, Faculty Fellows)

2024-2025 Strategy Story

  • CSL staff partnered with KU Academic Programs and Experiental Learning to develop a Canvas module containing civic engagement resources (volunteering, voting, community awareness, and free speech considerations) available for any instructor to use.

Data Management

“using evidence to lead future decisions and demonstrate CSL impact”

Priority Areas:

  • Tracking and documentation of student interactions, reach, and outcomes
  • Utilization of existing data to understand and engage interested students (KU AIRE, NSSE, NSLVE)
  • Designation of service learning courses across colleges/school

2024-2025 Strategy Story

  • CSL received KU's 2022 NSLVE results and is using that information to inform promotion and programs for the 2024 General Election.

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