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CSL Awards for Excellence in Service Learning + Community Engagement

The Center for Service Learning presents our annual awards for faculty, staff, students, and community partners.

To nominate someone for a CSL award, please complete the online submission form linked on the right. Self-nominations are encouraged!

Learn more about our various awards below, and email with any questions. 


Note: CSL Awards are on hold for the 2024-2025 academic year- please check back later for updates!

Award Descriptions:

Each year, one faculty member is honored for implementing service learning in a manner consistent with good practice and for demonstrating an impact on students and the community both in and out of the classroom.

  • Service learning pedagogy incorporated into courses over at least three semesters at the University of Kansas
  • Courses listed as designated service learning courses with the Center for Service Learning
  • Tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty members are all eligible
  • Self-nominations accepted, or from faculty, staff, students, or community partners
Faculty Excellence in Service Learning will be determined by:
  • Implementing service learning in a manner consistent with good practice
  • Meaningful integration of the service experience with course content
  • Appropriate and effective incorporation of critical reflection
  • Working closely with community partner(s) in the development of a service-learning project or course
  • Demonstrating an impact on students and the community both in and out of the classroom
  • Evidence of dissemination of scholarship (publications, presentations, performances, etc.)
  • Consideration of, and ongoing commitment to, the needs of community partner(s)
  • Evidence of impact on student learning, self-awareness, and civic commitment

Each year, one graduate student is honored for promoting community engagement through their research, teaching, or programming initiatives that demonstrates an impact on students and the community.

  • Graduate Assistants (GAs), Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs), and Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) are all eligible
  • Self-nominations accepted, or from faculty, staff, students, or community partners
Graduate Student Excellence will be determined by:
  • Working closely with community partners in providing leadership to a service-learning project, community-engaged research effort, or civic engagement program
  • Demonstrating a positive impact on student and the community
  • Consideration of, and and ongoing commitment to, the needs of community partners
  • Demonstrating high-quality work, showing a level of responsibility, leadership, and professionalism

One student is honored for showing civic commitment, community awareness, and positive community impact through service learning, as well as the academic impact and personal development through service learning or community engagement. 

  • Junior or senior standing
  • Self-nominations accepted, or from faculty, staff, students, or community partners
Student Excellence in Service Learning will be determined by:
  • Evidence of civic commitment, community awareness, and positive community impact through service learning, such as:
  • Engaging proactively with community partner(s)
  • Demonstrating exceptional or innovative service or community engagement accomplishments
  • Leading, inspiring, and engaging others in action
Evidence of the impacts on their academic learning and personal development, such as:
  • Demonstrating excellence in critical thinking and quality reflection
  • Demonstrating depth of understanding and exhibiting personal growth as a result of the service-learning experience
  • Demonstrating deepened understanding of the social responsibility of professionals in their field or discipline
  • Demonstrating high quality work, showing a high level of responsibility and professionalism

Each year, we honor one community partner who has exemplified notable partnership with the  University of Kansas and the CSL. The recipient of this award has made a significant contribution to KU’s culture of engagement through their partnership in promoting engaged learning, scholarship, and service.

  • Community organization collaborating with faculty, staff, and/or students from the KU Lawrence campus
  • Provide and support opportunities for student earning and engagement
  • Self-nominations accepted, or from faculty, staff, students, or community partners
Community Partner Excellence will be determined by:
  • Engaging proactively with campus partners, such as faculty members, research centers, and/or student organizations
  • Demonstrated impact on campus for faculty. staff, and students
  • Demonstrated impact of campus collaboration in addressing community goals or needs
  • Consideration of ongoing commitment to campus partnership

One KU staff member is recognized for engaging community organizations and local concerns in their work at the University of Kansas. The recipient of this award is an exceptional leader in promoting engaged learning, scholarship, and service.

  • Member of the KU community (faculty or staff)
  • Self-nominations accepted, or from faculty, staff, students, or community partners
Excellence in Community Engagement will be determined by:
  • Evidence of civic commitment, community awareness, and positive community impact through community engagement
  • Engaging proactively with community partner(s)
  • Incorporate and support opportunities for student engagement

2023 Award Recipients

  • Text: Excellence in Service Learning; CSL Awards 2023, Brent Metz, Professor, Anthropology, Director, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Image of Brent at center.

    Faculty Excellence in Service Learning

    Brent Metz, Professor, Anthropology and Director, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

  • Text: Graduate Student Excellence in Community-Engaged Research and Learning; CSL Awards 2023, Molly Han, Graduate Teaching Assistant, KU Communication Studies. Image of Molly, faculty advisors, and CSL staff member at center.

    Graduate Student Excellence in Community-Engaged Research and Learning

    Molly Han, Graduate Teaching Assistant, KU Communication Studies

  • Text: Student Excellence in Service Learning; CSL Awards 2023, Selia Walton, Junior, Project Management. Image of Yasmin at center.

    Student Excellence in Service Learning

    Selia Walton, Junior studying Project Management

  • Text: Community Partner Excellence in Campus Collaboration; CSL Awards 2023, Center for Supportive Communities. Image of YWOM and CSL staff and logo at center. Center for Supportive Communities (CSC) is dedicated to using behavioral science to create equal opportunities and meaningful change for children, families, and communities.

    Community Partner Excellence in Campus Collaboration

    Center for Supportive Communities

  • Text: Staff Excellence in Community Engagement; CSL Awards 2023, Gowri Nagarajan, Program Coordinator, Self Engineering Leadership Fellow, KU School of Engineering. Image of Gowri, SELF staff, and CSL staff member at center.

    Staff Excellence in Community Engagement

    Gowri Nagarajan, Program Coordinator, Self Engineering Leadership Fellow, KU School of Engineering

  • Text: Staff Excellence in Community Engagement; CSL Awards 2023, Kayla Hamner, Sensory Enhanced Aquatics Program Manager, KUMC Occupational Therapy Education. Image of Kayla center.

    Staff Excellence in Community Engagement

    Kayla Hamner, Sensory Enhanced Aquatics Program Manager, KUMC Occupational Therapy Education

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