people carrying a shelving unit off of a trailer outdoors

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The CSL is reorganizing and updating our website! If you are looking for something and cannot find it, please let us know and we're happy to send along the information you need.

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President's Volunteer Service Award

The KU Center for Service Learning is an official Certifying Organization for the President's Volunteer Service Award.

We certify KU students who complete service that does not bear academic credit. If students are participating in service activities that earn them course credit, we encourage them to consider pursuing the Certificate in Service Learning.

We encourage students interested in receiving the President's Volunteer Service Award to contact us to discuss next steps. 

  • United States citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States (i.e., green card holder)
  • Must be at least five years old
  • Completes eligible service within a 12-month period (for annual Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards) and over a lifetime (for Lifetime Achievement Awards)

Young Adults (16-25 years old):

  • Bronze: 100-174 hours
  • Silver: 175-249 hours
  • Gold: 250+ hours
  • Lifetime Achievement Award: 4000+ hours

Adults (26+ years old)

  • Bronze: 100-249 hours
  • Silver: 250-499 hours
  • Gold: 500+ hours
  • Lifetime Achievement Award: 4000+ hours

KU PVSA Recipients

  • Riya Patel holding her PVSA certificate outside of Strong Hall

    Bronze Award (2021-2022)

    Riya Patel

  • Hannah Bunch holding her PVSA certificate outside of Strong Hall

    Silver Award (2022-2023)

    Hannah Bunch

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