This content is being reviewed in light of recent changes to federal guidance.

Our Guiding Principles


The Center for Service Learning collaborates with community and campus partners to develop students into engaged global citizens through experiential learning and civic engagement.  


We envision an interconnected environment in which all members of the extended KU community collectively address community-identified goals with mutually beneficial outcomes.


We strive to operate using KU's IRISE Values: Integrity, Respect, Innovation, Stewardship, and Excellence.

KU as an Anchor Institution

Anchor institutions are universities and hospitals that are rooted in their local communities by mission, invested capital, or relationships to customers, employees, and vendors. Anchor institutions possess considerable human and economic resources that can be leveraged for local development, particularly to improve the well-being of children, families, and neighborhoods that are often proximate to their campuses.

KU recognizes the physical presence of the university as an integral contributor to the well-being of  the community and, as an institution, supports opportunities to collectively impact our local communities, region and state. 

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