Discussing Civic Engagement in the Classroom

Faculty members, instructors, and administrators can play an important role in guiding election processing and reflection in a safe and productive manner.

Please check out out resource list below, made up of guides and strategies from institutions and organizations across the country. 

Have an additional resource to add to this page? Click here

Center for Teaching Excellence

Email: cte@ku.edu | Phone Number: 785-864-4199

The primary purpose of the Center for Teaching Excellence is to build community among faculty members and to help instructors make student learning visible.


Association of American Colleges and Universities

Email: information@aacu.org

AAC&U is the leading national association dedicated to advancing the vitality and public standing of liberal education by making quality and equity the foundations for excellence in undergraduate education in service to democracy.



Braver Angels

Email: info@braverangels.org

A Braver Angels Debate is a different kind of debate in which a group of people think together, listen carefully to one another, and allow themselves to be touched and perhaps changed by each other’s ideas. 



Campus Election Engagement Project

Campus Election Engagement Project (CEEP) is a national nonpartisan project that helps administrators, faculty, staff and student leaders at America’s colleges and universities engage students in federal, state and local elections, working to promote a more equitable and inclusive democracy, and to overcome the ever-changing barriers to voting. 



Center for Civic Engagement: James Madison University

Email: civic@jmu.edu | Phone Number: 540-568-7549

As a nonpartisan entity, the Madison Center emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge to make one a more informed participant in our democracy, skills to make one a more effective participant, and values that embrace the common good.



Edward Ginsberg Center for Community Service: University of Michigan

The Ginsberg Center's mission is to cultivate and steward equitable partnerships between communities and the University of Michigan in order to advance social change for the public good. 



Faculty Network for Student Voting Rights

Email: facnet@facultyforvotingrights.org

The Faculty Network is a coalition of faculty across U.S. institutions dedicated to equipping students with the tools and education to vote.



Institute for Democracy and Higher Education: Tufts University

Email: idhe@tufts.edu | Phone Number: 617-627-3453

The Institute for Democracy & Higher Education (IDHE) was founded to address a pressing need in higher education. U.S. colleges and universities have long worked to fulfil their civic missions, but they have yet to meet the expectation that learning about and participation in democracy pervades every student’s learning experience. 



Living Room Conversations

A Living Room Conversation is a simple way to heal divides. It is a conversational model developed by dialogue experts in order to facilitate connection between people despite their differences, and even identify areas of common ground and shared understanding.



National Institute for Civil Discourse

Email: nicd@arizona.edu | Phone Number: 202-759-9302

NICD is a non-partisan organization based at the University of Arizona to promote healthy and civil political debate. 



Project Pericles

Email: projectpericles@projectpericles.org | Phone Number: 212-986-4496

Project Pericles is a national consortium of 30 colleges and universities committed to including participatory citizenship and social responsibility as essential elements of their educational programs. 



Students Learn Students Vote Coalition

Email: info@slsv.org

The Students Learn Students Vote (SLSV) Coalition is the national hub and largest nonpartisan network in the United States dedicated to increasing college student voter participation.

These resources were curated from a number of sources, including this article about post-election resources, newsletters from the Institute of Democracy & Higher Education, and communications from the Students Learn Students Vote Coalition

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