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CSL Service Showcase + Celebration

The Spring 2025 Service Showcase will be held on April 30th. 

The annual Service Showcase and Celebration recognizes a year of service and community-engaged work at KU. The Service Showcase is an opportunity for students to share their service projects and experiences with the University community and Lawrence community partners.

Starting in 2025, we will also share the celebration with the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships!

Student sharing their Service Showcase poster with event attendee
student standing to left of poster presentation, smiling
student sharing their poster presentation with Showcase faculty judge

Service Showcase Presentation Details:


Presentation Options

Presentations may be completed virtually in a variety of ways:

  • Create a traditional poster and record a VoiceThread of you presenting it—this should be no more than 5 minutes in length and will be posted on a webpage accessible to judges and the general public.
  • Create a video about your service experience—this should be no more than 5 minutes in length will be posted on a webpage accessible to judges and the general public.
  • Record an Ignite-style presentation (20 slides, 15 seconds per slide)—this will be posted on a webpage accessible to judges and the general public.


Monetary awards are given to the top two or three posters. All KU students are invited to submit proposals!

Criteria for Submission

Submitted applications will be evaluated on the following general criteria:

  • Authentic Community Partnership: Did the student collaborate closely with a community partner on a community identified need? What was the value of the project to the community partner or larger community?
  • Social Responsibility & Civic Identity: To what extent did the project or experience encourage the student to think about how their own perspectives, biases, and values influence the work that they do?Did the student’s involvement in the service project foster a sense of civic responsibility?
  • Reflection: To what extent did the student engage in intentional reflection about their service experience?

Required Submission Materials

When completing our proposal submission form, please be prepared to share the following materials:

  • Abstract: Please provide an abstract, summary or creative statement of no more than 250 words that describes your service project/experience and the outcomes of that experience. The abstract should focus on what you did that addressed a community identified need, what you learned from the project, and what the project or experience's impact was on the community members. 
  • Social Media Spotlight: If you/your group are selected to participate in the Service Showcase, we would like to do a social media spotlight on you! Please upload a photo that could be used for the spotlight here.
  • Supporting Documents: You may submit one additional document (in the form of a PDF) to illustrate your experience/project - this might include images, impact statistics, etc.  This submission is optional.

Submission Timeline

Submissions will be evaluated on a rolling basis until March 14, and completed presentations will be due by April 14 to allow for timely upload to the CSL website for judging. Announcements will be made during the showcase & celebration on April 30. 

We encourage students who complete(d) projects in Summer or Fall 2024 to submit their proposal early, rather than waiting for the Spring deadline-- it'll be easier to remember and reflect on your experiences as they're happening! We'll follow up with you in the Spring to ensure you submit your completed presentation by April 14. 

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