Service-Learning Code of Ethics
- Students in service-learning shall behave as professional representatives of the college/university at all times.
- Students in service-learning shall understand their role and its limitations in the context of the service-learning assignment.
- Students in service-learning shall adhere to the policies and procedures of the community agencies.
- Students in service-learning shall treat service recipients in a manner consistent with ethical principles.
- Students in service-learning shall fulfill their service-learning commitment to the agency in accordance with the course requirement.
- Students in service-learning shall agree to abide by any applicable legal and ethical guidelines.
- Students in service-learning shall recognize and reflect upon potential challenges to their personal value systems.
- Students in service-learning shall carefully consider all aspects of the service-learning assignment and consult with faculty members if participation would cause undue distress due to personal circumstances.
- Faculty shall match community needs with academic service-learning goals prior to the beginning of the project to ensure that academic and community service goals can be achieved.
- Faculty shall minimize potential harm to agencies, their constituents, and students.
- Faculty shall provide community agencies with a plan that includes information about what is expected and required of students and the agency (e.g., accountability, commitment, consistency, and communication).
- Faculty shall develop course goals consistent with service-learning objectives and communicate to the students, both verbally and in writing, the parameters of the service-learning requirement, including:
- Academic objectives for the service-learning experience
- Articulated community benefits
- Time requirements
- Students’ roles and responsibilities
- Legal and ethical guidelines on issues such as professionalism, liability, confidentiality, and insurance
- Responses to emergencies (e.g., threats, weather, and health risks)
- Expectations for integration into course material and reflection
- Faculty shall properly train and inform students of their responsibilities and potential risks prior to the beginning of the service-learning activity.
- Faculty shall ensure that students understand the characteristics of those with whom they will be working.
- Faculty shall treat all students in a manner consistent with ethical principles.
- Faculty shall maintain involvement with community agencies throughout the process and be responsive to changing needs and circumstances.
- Faculty shall be available to students for consultation or referral for problem solving and conflict resolution.
- Faculty shall assess the outcomes of this activity for the recipients, the community, and students.
- Administrators shall recognize and support opportunities for service-learning as part of a well-rounded education.
- Administrators shall provide mechanisms for the institutionalization of civic engagement and resources for service-learning participation and service-related research.
- Administrators shall be sensitive to and knowledgeable about community needs.
- Administrators shall make every effort to minimize risky and unsafe locations and circumstances.
- Administrators shall provide clear guidelines to faculty and students regarding liability and ethical issues.
- Administrators shall provide faculty with opportunities for training and education in service-learning curriculum infusion.
- Administrators shall treat all constituents in a manner consistent with ethical principles.
Adapted from Chapdelaine, & Ruiz, Ana & Warchal, & Wells,. (2005). Service-Learning Code of Ethics.