Service Learning Resources

Service Learning Amidst COVID-19: FAQs


What resources exist for instructors making the transition to remote teaching and online coursework?

The KU Center for Teaching Excellence, KU Information Technology, and the KU Center for Online and Distance Learning have collaborated on, a site with resources, tools, and information about KU-hosted webinars regarding online instruction. CTE has also published this blog post which may be helpful: Creating Community in an Online Course.

Additional Resources:

Mapping Access- Accessible Teaching in the Time of COVID-19

Washington University in St. Louis- Teaching and Learning for Social Impact: Resources for (Re)Designing Courses

Can I continue doing service during this time without doing more harm than good?

This really depends on the type of service you’re doing, but it is important to consider how we are protecting the most vulnerable populations during this time. Talk to your community partner about the types of service work that can be done remotely through phone, email, or other virtual mediums. For more information on ethical service, click here.

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