people carrying a shelving unit off of a trailer outdoors

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Pathways to Service

The Pathways to Service describe the variety of ways people can use their knowledge, skills, and talents to improve their communities.

Many of these pathways overlap, allowing you diverse experiences to help you determine which pathways are the best fit for you!


Works with those in need of assistance or addresses a need of the broader community

Assist senior citizens with their taxes
Provide help in homeless shelter
Assist a local agency with a marketing plan or social media

orange hand with white heart in the palm, word "volunteer" written in white down the thumb

Mentor + Educator

Guides others in their development and learning

Provide music/dance/art lessons
Tutor, mentor or coach youth
Teach English as a second language

yellow and white open book, words "Mentor and Educator" written in white at top of the left page


Creates awareness and action on issues that impact the community

Organize a letter writing campaign or petition drive
Produce a public service announcement raising awareness about an issue
Design and display posters highlighting a cause and need for action

blue bullhorn, word "Advocate" written in white at bottom

Policy Shaper

Influences and shapes decisions for the public interest through policies and laws

Lobby on behalf of a community issue
Draft legislation that helps or protects the community
Run for political office

dark blue pillared building, words "Policy Shaper" written in white on bottom steps


Gathers and presents findings that inform action on issues that affect the community

Conduct energy audits in public buildings
Test water to assist with restoration efforts
Conduct research for a community organization

red magnifying glass, word "Researcher" written in white on handle

Social Innovator

Uses knowledge and skills to create ideas and strategies that address social issues

Create an online tool to help citizens report broken infrastructure
Build an app that shows all of the accessibility entrances on campus

green lightbulb, word "Social Innovator" written in white inside the bulb

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Keep up to date with events, funding opportunities, and more! Each newsletter type is sent at a varying degree of frequency. Unsubscribe at any time!