Certificate in Service Learning
The Certificate in Service Learning recognizes your experiences in utilizing your classroom skills to meet community-identified needs.
Earning the certificate involves taking classes, engaging in volunteer work, and reflecting on your service learning experiences. Once you have earned the certificate, it is acknowledged on your official academic transcript.
Why Get Certified in Service Learning?
Your certification in service learning will appear on your transcript, showing that the university acknowledges your achievements. This opportunity is not available to students at all universities and will recognize the efforts you have undertaken beyond the classroom.
Getting certified in service learning recognizes that you have:
- gone beyond the classroom to help your community and to further your own education
- assisted community agencies in better serving their clients
- exposed yourself to societal inadequacies and injustices
- better prepared yourself for your career or further education
- taken on a greater responsibility for your learning and for your community
- applied your course content in the context of the real world
How to Earn the Certificate in Service Learning:
Register for the Certificate in Service Learning
Log in to the Experiential Learning Certificates portal to register for the Certificate in Service Learning. Please allow a couple of days for the service learning record to become active in the portal. Once your registration is processed and accepted, you will receive an automated email with additional information.
You will use the Experiential Learning Certificates portal to track service hours and submit your final reflection.

Complete Service 101: Pre-Service Orientation
Service 101 is an introduction to volunteering, pathways to service, and ethical service.
This is a learning module required to complete the Certificate, not a class. There are in-person and virtual opportunities to participate and complete Service 101.
Service 101 should be completed before starting any service activities, but up to 30 service hours may be submitted/approved before completion of Service 101.

Take One Service Learning Class and One Social Awareness Class
Service learning classes must be taken for a minimum of 3 credit hours. Classes that qualify toward the certificate vary by semester.
Some approved courses offer optional service or multiple projects that serve nonprofit organizations. Opt-in to, and complete, the service learning component with a nonprofit organization in order for your service to be approved for certificate.
If you take a service learning or social awareness class that is not included on the list of eligible courses and you’d like it to be considered to count for your certificate, you can petition the course and we’ll work to get it designated.

Complete 60 Hours of Service/Volunteering
Complete a minimum of 60 hours of service.
All hours completed with service learning classes count toward these 60 hours. If you still need more hours, you might consider finding a nonprofit organization to serve with, participating in an Alternative Break, or taking another service learning course.
Contact us with questions or to discuss other options for completing the additional service.
When you complete service hours that are not part of a class, you must ask your volunteer coordinator/site supervisor to fill out a service verification form, and you must submit the corresponding service hours in the ELCerts portal for approval. Volunteer service hours without a corresponding service verification form will be returned for resubmission after requesting a verification form.
Up to 30 service hours may be submitted/approved before completion of Service 101.

Complete the Final Reflection
Write a reflection summary of your service experiences.
Your Final Reflection summary should mention and tie together all of your service experiences to be approved. The purpose is to allow you to take a step back and consider big picture impacts of your classroom learning and service/volunteer work. The Final Reflection is submitted through the EL Certs Portal.
The Final Reflection is completed near the end of your work for the Certificate in Service Learning. You must have registered for the certificate, completed Service 101, and finished the majority of your coursework and service to complete it.

Apply to Graduate from the Certificate in Enroll and Pay
To apply to graduate from the Certificate in Service Learning, log into Enroll and Pay.
If you plan to complete a certificate program in any given semester, apply to graduate from the certificate program even if you have service learning classes or other service experiences in progress.
The deadline to apply to graduate from a certificate for each semester can be found on the Office of the University Registrar's calendar as "Undergraduate Application for Graduation Deadline."
Your certificate will be added to your academic transcript after degrees post for the semester that you completed the certificate requirements.