Post-Election Processing + Support
Elections, even when not occuring in the midst of a pandemic, can be stressful.
This year, it is very possible that we will not know the result of elections until a number of days after Election Day, as Some States' Election Results Will Take Longer Than Others.
Regardless of the outcomes of the races on the ballot, we recognize that many students will need some space and support in processing. Please check out the list below, made up of both on and off-campus resources available to our KU community.
Have an additional resource to add to this page? Click here.
Counseling and Psychological Services
Hours: 8am-5pm Monday-Friday | Phone Number: 785-864-2277
The mission of Counseling and Psychological Services is to aid in the emotional and psychological development of students in the university environment for the purpose of enhancing performance; assist in the evaluation of student academic progress for the purpose of improving student and faculty functioning and; contribute to the professional education of graduate students in mental health and counseling professions.
- Peer Listening Program
- LGBTQIA+ Student Support Group
- Individualized Counseling
- Self-Help Library
- My Self-Care Plan: 2020 Election Edition
Institutional Opportunity and Access
Email: | Phone Number: 785-864-6414
Institutional Opportunity & Access is a neutral fact finder conducting investigations in response to allegations of discrimination and harassment at KU.
International Support Services
Email: | Phone Number: 785-864-3617
International Support Services provides opportunities to increase student involvement on campus and in the community, educate students about resources on campus and how to maintain legal status while an international student. ISS also provides immigration support for employees and visiting scholars.
- Coping with Culture Shock
- Global Jayhawk Happy Hour
- Guide to Legal Consideration for Working with International Students
- International Leadership Team Peer Mentors (email for more information)
Legal Services for Students
Email: | Phone Number: 785-864-5665
Legal Services for Students encourage students to seek the advice of an attorney in order to prevent legal difficulties and to provide assistance when students anticipate or encounter legal problems. The office provides three major services: advice, representation and educational programs.
Office of Multicultural Affairs
Email: | Phone Number: 785-864-4350
The Office of Multicultural Affairs provides support and services for current and prospective students from historically marginalized populations. Their programs and services enhance the retention and persistence of students, while supporting their academic, personal and professional development.
Public Safety
Email: | Phone Number: 785-864-5900
KU Public Safety is committed to cultivating partnerships within the Jayhawk community that promote a safe and secure campus environment and support the academic and research missions of the university.
Student Affairs/ Student Support and Case Management
Email: | Phone Number: 785-864-4060
KU Student Affairs engages the KU community in services and programs that make learning possible. Student Support and Case Management empowers students to address and overcome barriers in order to achieve their educational and life goals.
Student Conduct and Community Standards
Email: | Phone Number: 785-864-4060
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards addresses incidents of non-academic misconduct on campus and educates students about the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The office seeks to foster a holistic learning environment through education focused on community membership and standards.
- Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities
- KU Protest Considerations
- Conflict Resolution Resource Guide
- Creating a More Inclusive KU
University Ombuds Office
Email: | Phone Number: 785-864-7261
The Ombuds Office is a confidential, impartial, informal, and independent office on campus where members of the campus community can discuss issues they may be facing as a student, staff, or faculty member.
Watkins Health Services
Hours: 8am-5pm Monday-Friday, 12-4pm Saturday | Email: | Phone Number: 785-864-9500
Watkins Health Services supports the student’s learning experience through the delivery of high quality affordable healthcare services and innovative programs that promote the health of the student, University and community.
Bert Nash Community Menter Health Center
Hours: 8:30am-4pm Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm Friday | Phone Number: 785-843-9192
The mission of the Bert Nash Center is to advance the health of the Douglas County community through comprehensive behavioral health services responsive to evolving needs and changing environments. They fulfill this mission by responding to needs, restoring lives, and building a healthy community.
Headquarters Counseling Center
Hours: 9am-4pm, Monday-Friday | Office Phone Number: 785-841-9900 | Crisis Line: 785-841-2345
The counseling center provides life-saving 24-hour crisis services through local numbers, online chat, and as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Center serving all 105 counties in Kansas.
Kansas Legal Services
Phone Number: 785-233-2068
Kansas Legal Services, a statewide non-profit corporation, is devoted to helping low income Kansans meet their basic needs through the provision of important legal and mediation services.
Lawrence Police Department
Non-Emergency Dispatch: 785-832-7509
The Lawrence Police Department strives to provide the citizens of Lawrence with the most community focused, efficient and effective police service available within the confines of existing resources.
Democracy For President
A project of More in Common, Democracy for President empowers Americans with cutting-edge data and unbiased information on the electoral process to foster civic engagement.
Students Learn Students Vote Coalition
The Students Learn Students Vote (SLSV) Coalition is the national hub and largest nonpartisan network in the United States dedicated to increasing college student voter participation.
- Post-Election Campus Resource and Response Guide
- Anti-Racism Resources
- Intentional Voter Engagement Messaging while Addressing Systemic Racism
7 Cups is an on-demand emotional health service and online therapy provider.