This content is being reviewed in light of recent changes to federal guidance.

Spring 2022 Service Learning Courses

This list is in-progress, and courses will continually be added throughout the semester.

With questions about a particular course, please email

Eligible Service Learning Courses by College/School

ARCH 209: Architectural Design II

Marie-Alice L'Heureux

ARCH 509: Architectural Design IV

Nils Gore, Chad Kraus, Keith VanDeRiet

ARCH 609: Integrated Design

Nikou Vakil

ENTR 490: Entreprenuership in Practice

Charlotte Tritch

Must Complete 20 Hours of Unpaid Service with Community Partner

Curriculum + Teaching
C+T 235

Bobby Nichols, Cheryl Wright

C+T 347: Social Studies in Elementary Classrooms

Any Instructor

C+T 349: Science in Elementary Classrooms

Any Instructor

C+T 351: Mathematics in Elementary Classrooms

Any Instructor

C+T 354/355: Literary Instruction for Intermediate Grades

Kwangok Song

C+T 366/460: Project-Based instruction of Math + Science

Laurie Cleavinger

C+T 533: Curriculum + Instruction in Middle + Secondary English/Language Arts Classrooms

Heidi Hallman

Must Complete 20 Hours of Service


Health, Sport, + Exercise Science
HSES 465: Program Assessment + Evaluation

Susan Harvey


Special Education
SPED 439: Student Teaching in Unified Early Childhood Education

Stephanie Parks

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JOUR 460: Research Methods in Strategic Communication

Mugur Genea, Joseph Erba

JOUR 640: Strategic Campaigns

David Johnston, Lisa Leowen, Janet Rose

American Studies
AMS 496: Social Justice Perspectives and Expressions

Sherrie Tucker


Applied Behavioral Science
ABSC 150/151: Community Leadership (Winter Course)

Any Instructor

ABSC 310/311: Building Healthy Communities

Any Instructor

ABSC 499: Directed Research

Pam Neidert

Must Complete 20 Hours of Service, Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours

ABSC 606: Special Projects in the Community

Jomella Watson-Thompson

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours

ABSC 675: Practicum in Infant-Toddler Care + Early Intervention I

Kelley Harrison

ABSC 676: Practicum in Infant-Toddler Care + Early Intervention II

Kelley Harrison

ABSE 677: Practicum in Preschool Education + Intervention I 

Kelley Harrison

ABSC 678: Practicum in Preschool Education + Intervention II

Kelley Harrison

ABSC 679: Practicum for Research in Early Childhood Education + Intervention

Claudia Dozier, Pam Neidert

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours

ABSC 682: Organizational Behavior Management Practicum

Florence DeGennaro Reed

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours

ABSC 690/691: Practicum in Community Health + Development

Any Instructor

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours


BTEC 540/640: Biotechnology Capstone

Randy Logan

Communication Studies
COMS 342: Problem Solving in Teams and Groups

Cameron Piercy

ENGL 360: Topics in Writing: Writing and Ecology

Megan Kaminski

ENGL 497: Service Learning Internship

Mary Klayder

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours

ENGL 552: Poetry Writing II

Megan Kaminski

Environmental Studies
EVRN 338: Permaculture Design

Amber Lehrmann

EVRN 420: Adaptation Workshop

So-Min Cheong


Jewish Studies
JWSH 650: Service Learning in Jewish Studies

Renee Perlmutter


PSYC 483: Undergraduate Internship in Psychology

Nancy Hamilton

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours, Must be Concurrently Enrolled in PSYC 333

PSYC 492: Psychology and Social Issues

Ludwin Molina

Speech Pathology, Language, + Hearing
SPLH 568: Introduction to Audiologic Assessment + Rehabilitation

Krysta Green

Visual Art
ART 300: Topics in Design: Van Go Mobile Arts--Service Learning

Liz Kowalchuck

ART 500: Special Topics in Art: Social + Sustainable Art Practices

Liz Kowalchuck

MEMT 396: Clinical Practicum

Cynthia Colwell Dunn

MEMT 498: Student Teaching

Martin Bergee

Must be Taken for 3 Credit Hours

MEMT 499: Internship in Teaching Music

Marting Bergee

Internship Must Have Occurred at KU, in a Public School, or Nonprofit Agency

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UNIV 492: Special Projects in the Community (Winter Course)

Kate Kemper

UNIV 492: Special Projects in the Community

Emily Eddins Rountree

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